Monday, January 11, 2010

A symphony of color
So yesterday ran at the old house before dinner. Started just before sunset ran until just after sunset. Felt quite light and loose especially for first 15 min and last 10 min. Did an old road loop it was cold and still- hard to describe the sky in words obv- there are way more shades than we have words for of course. Where does one blue/red/whatever start and another end? This is why I think we should work on telepathy more but its good the way it is now too because its good to see things for yourself. And describing things in words,while generally somewhat futile, is at least an attempt to communicate something which is good. So ran just long enough to see the first stars right before finishing- suffice it to say this was obv an outstanding run. It brought to mind another one from prob 15 years ago when the full moon was enormus and I felt like I could just hop right up to it.

Anyway to come back to earth so to speak long run today and then meet at PG. Lots of meets this week heh- PG,Armory,PG,PG. Today hopefully some good qualifiers for counties. Now go look at the sky.

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