Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Well im fairly tired presently but not horrificly so. 6 miles this am with Emily on the road- far too much road running recently esp with the increase in mileage. Tomorrow one or both runs on grass or turf. SO that was a nice run. Then ran after franklin prac at mcd.

2 lap warmup then everyone did a 2 mile "tempo" haha. Dave and Steve Levin were leading and perhaps trying to show that they still had it etc. So the first 800 was correct 3:00. Then 2:53- it was supposed to drop to like 2:55-7 so not terrible. Then there were some 84s and 83s and the second mile was 5:31 lol. It wasnt too bad for me actually being only 2 miles- my legs felt trashy/heavy from Sunday but the good thing is a 531 was quite doable so good sign. Of course the mcd team got blown apart by that- Ian looked quite good and picked it up significantly on the last lap so that was good. Also Madeline is starting to really step up she ran with the lead boys group and took 2 laps off but practically kept up with Ian on the last lap(she only did 1 but still it was like 78 or something). If she can start training consistently hard she could be a monster in the spring.

After the 3200 I did most of my original wo on the track- 8x90sec with 3:30 jog. I ran the opposite way in lane 6 which is perfect because you get an idea of what the time is but its still just on effort. I was running just about exactly one lap which is like 7-8 sec longer so like 82-83s which is fine. Finished up 6 and wisely didnt do the last two as we had already done the other 2 miles obv and my legs were sore- I went in and biked easy for 5 min. Then I took a hot bath which may or may not be recommended but often seems to help me. Now im off to sanborns for a spicy chicken sausage feast.

1 comment:

  1. paul, go back to white text, the purple is too hard on my old eyes
