Thursday, July 28, 2011

BRRC 2 mile

So the second race of the summer went according to plan(which is pretty much standard now- oh im so smart- lol it only took 25 years :/). Warmed up a bit shorter than normal due to watching some of the other races that we had people in. In order as i rememer were Brandon and Ethan- fair in 252 and 317. Sierra had a solid 253 she almost beat denise haha. not bad for 3 days a week more or lesswith usually 1-2 days of hurdles. On the video she looks smooth for the first 300 and then got tired unsurprisingly. Dakota had a very good race 213 which is good as hes been showing up a lot and working hard. Ashley had a funny race in that some college girl took it out in the first 200 so she actually had to run moderately hard. Watching the video of her run is just awesome really esp after watching myself and lots of the other old(and young) people in the meet. So she won obv and ran 60.99 on my watch. Also i can pester her because she doesnt even look that tired when she finished. Keep in mind this would have practically tied her PR 4 months ago and now she strode it in a low key brrc meet with no training. She can be soooo good- we shall see calm down lol.

In order to stop blabbering about the 400 i will talk about the 2 mile. The plan was 528 and then anything at or under 528 for the second mile and as i said i did a pretty good job of doing it. 82 for first lap(just 440 splits for this obv) then moved in front of a big pack into second way behind ed. 80 then 82 then 80? again anyway it was 242 and 524 which is obv good. I was tired but not bad at this point(and really the whole way). SLowed a bit i cant remember the 5th lap of course at 1 1/2 i was 810 so that was a 246. Could have pushed harder competitively in the 7th lap which was a stinky 85 thats where this kid from north harford caught me so 935 with one to go. I sped up somewhat in the last lap im pretty sure it was 1056 or maybe 1057.

So pretty much as expected- this is just like early March. Ill prob run significantly faster in the next race im thinking itll be that 5k in Hanover in 4 weeks. Some more good training time. Then hopefully i will keep running after that heh. Also my foot really didnt hurt at all and i wore the flats. That hasnt happened in quite a while which is exciting.

Then we ran the 4x1(also a good sign that i even ran it ha) ashley led off and caught up to ed haha ill tease him about that if/when i see him. Then sierra handed off to me in 2nd ugh as she ran a good backstretch. Luckily only one person passed me(also being in lane 1 was a lucky move) Of course she was a high school girl lol but no worries. My foot was in fact a littel sore after that hmph. And mildly/moderately sore this am but not bad. After nap it should be ok.

Only 4 miles for the day. Also earlier in the week did 7 mile run at mcd on monday including 16x1:00 pickups. Felt solid for a while then tired on last 3-4. Tuesday ran with merritt and sierra and ash and allison at franklin easy 3 miles in the am. Then ran w anna at her house a short 6 in the pm. So 7+7+3+6+4 27 for the week so far in 4 days standard- i cant quite get above the 50 mile range but i will. Also each week hasnt slowly gotten a little more intense over the last 3 weeks or so so its ok if im not running more mileage.

Ok enough this was a long post heh.

Monday, July 25, 2011

good river rd run

Yesterday had a good run on the river rd trail. The exact times always differ slightly depending on where i park but this was from the one spot right next to the trail. Went out to henryton rd obv the normal way and up about 1:20 from the bridge to get to 27 min and then turned around. Felt good on way back so ran 5124 total so 2424 ov on way back for what is normally called 7(and is 7). Which means the way back was basically 7 min pace which is good. Esp on those trails. More important than all that is that i felt good even though it was hot and humid and it was fun to run a bit faster on a distance run for once. Light wo today 15x1:00. Also i was down to 150 after the run(and after drinking a fair amount of water) which will help me fight the dark side lol. good.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

hot week

well its been warm this week obv. The week was ok- my knee has been a little more sore than expected but not really a prob. The big question is whether i can remember 4 days ago.

wed- ah this was a hot day when anna got a tiny bit carried away with time placement heh by running at 345 at longnecker. she did 2 miles before i got there and then we went out to the intersection and back as she didnt feel good. SO 4 miles there. Then at 6 i ran w the team 1 mile wu then 4 800s in just under 7 min pace(merritt was 319,317,324,322)- matt r about the same scott was in the 310 range. so 4+3 for the day

Thurs- ran w anna at LRes trails- she was much much better and this was a good solid 8.5+ - we did approx 50 min on the trails and then added on 14 min on the road. I felt pretty good

Fri- Ran by myself at mcd- 2 mile wu over to woods- it didnt feel that hot for the first mile and then slowly continued to feel hotter and hotter heh. Did two loops at steady pace 8:04/7:52 for 15:57 which is def not bad. Obv if it was 10-15 deg cooler i could have done 3 at that pace which is not bad after 8ish weeks of running. This wo is a good strength builder obv. ran slowly back via farm rd and then melted a little haha

Sat- ran w scott,marc,matt and merritt at ncr. Out to monkton and back- i was in the ack w merritt for most of it as she had a fairly bad cramp esp on the way back and didnt feel good so we went slow. she is pretty tough it was hard to talk for a while. Hopefully this will go away i know of david mcneil for one is an elite runner that continued to get side stitches even though he is very good. lots of people sort of grow out of it. 7

So 50 miles for the week. I was going to run again on saturday but i wimped out and went to the airport instead. Also starting to significantly look at race schedule for the fall. Thats why im not overly stressed about training now- im doing ok and keep it up but the main thing is whether or not i continue once school starts. We shall see! Also im feeling significantly freed up by recent events well see how that goes as well. I still think i can go back under 16 at some point in the future which would be good. Not right now though lol.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

im pretty fast- for a LUMBERING OX lol

So im posting this to look back on if my form ever gets better. My turnover is soooo slow. Both at the mile mark and on this one at the 2 mile mark(2:49ish) i appear to be going approx 20 strides per minute or more slower than everyone else- or lots of people. Ugh heh. Plus im leaning forward too much. Also my right foot placement seems to have gotten worse it land like sideways try to work on that. Oiy. Oh well if i can correct some of these things it could help obv.

This week has been ok so far. Ran with Patty on Sunday which i think i already put.

then monday ran at mcd- 1 mile wu then 3+ with anna at approx 640 pace which is feeling easier so thats good. Then a mile on the track w mat dakota and merritt at 720. Then 4 strides and 3 laps around football field barefoot. I just realized that this was far short of the 7 i thought it was heh- more like hm a long 6. Hmph. The franklin people did 3 progression run and then the steady mile plus the strides.

Tuesday- today! ha- ran a sluggish tired short 4 with merritt at franklin. sierra ash and dan came for prac they did 4,3,3,3,2,2 Dan did 6 4s.

In the afternoon did short 6 with anna and patty at oridge. felt tired for first half and then better second half. of course it was boiling hot. supposed to be that way for a while thru sat/sunday it seems. so this week is 5+6+4+6 21 in 3 days fair. longer run tom and two runs on thurs. then wo friday which i demand to be at the proper pace or even slower. maybe start at like 608 i like that idea actually. I tell everyone else to do it and then dont do it myself. Not this time! lol. but try it esp if its like 99 degrees.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Rockville Report

So rockville went acceptably well. Meech was there- warmed up with him and then ran the first 2 miles with him as he was doing a rpogression run. First mile was tolerably paced- 5:32(5:36 on clock)- next mile was ok i felt encouraged that i was actually running a fair pace which helped. Got to two in 11:32 i think-more or less obv so lets say 556 for second mile. Meech passed me and pulled away avec rapidement haha he was out of sight within like 400m. Ran with the 5th woman from about 2.75-4. Its a tiny bit annoying how the 4th mile of this race gets rearranged at least every other year. WHy cant they just stick to one course idk? Anyway we went up back up around 2 uturns in a parking lot heh. So mile 3 was 1735 and mile 4 was 2352- fairly standard. At that point i knew i would get under 30 unless i fell over or something given the last mile. Maurice passed me just before 4th mile and pulled away avec rapidement(sense a theme lol). He is doing well i wasnt even worried about it cuz ill beat him soon obv if i keep running. I was tired on last mile and just stayed steady so several people blew by. Finally with like 150 to go i got a little sick of it so one guy ppulled up alongside and i sped up and pulled away from him. Of course I should be able to outkick anyone in the 2940 area unless i was dying. The main good thing is that i lifted a tiny bit and my tendon/foot didnt hurt so that good. Of course i was prob "sprinting" at like 520 pace lol.

So overall 29:41 which is obv fine for now. Soon hopefully back into 28s (actually on next 8k whenever that is) If its far enough in the future and i keep running maybe skip 28s and go to 27s heh- well see.

My left heel was a bit sore after(no wd just very light stretching and walk back to car). Mildly sore next am and much better after long nap during day. Ran 5 miles with Patty in the evening after watching soccer which was an exciting game won by Japan. It felt ok i was tired from race more than sore. Keep icing which i think i forgot actually grr. Tempo with anna tom. oh try for higher mileage this week i might do an am run tom hopefully mid 50s as i think ive said before.

Friday, July 15, 2011


just had a nice chicken burrito. soon i will have some ice cream yay. so the last two days have been fine- a bit more restful. yesterday ran w anna and becky yep at river rd trail. out 22 min and back we were going slow and it felt easy(like quite slow). call it 5+ maybe 5.5

Today ran w anna patty marc and matt r at mcd. 5 mile loop- sort of over to woods then went back for matt and lost p and a but found them again eventually. then 3 laps on track with 2 laps of strides. the straightaways were 18 basically. i should start doing these 1-2 times per week. i could feel my tendon in my heel slightly onthose.For me they are better than strides with rest and stop etc(obv)

So tomorrow i will giveit a shot unless i wake up and feel like crap- which is highly unlikely. only goal is sub 30. hopefully i can manage that well see im not going to be worried if idont. im going to wear the training shoes which is smart i havent done a road race in ? prob did one in the winter i think.

total mileage so far this week is hm say 39. i sort of wanted 50 but its better to not worry about it obv its basically just no am run on thurs. next week 52-56 somewhere in there.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

cat scratch again sigh/Sweet Air

So i got the cat scratch as i said in the previous post. however as of now it doesnt seem too bad. seems to be getting better after only 4-5 days hopefully i have some good antibodies now- i guess well see. yesterday was the worst day prob- or so far at least def. And it wasnt really that bad my arm was just burning for a little bit.

So the last few days-

Sun- Ran at Sweet Air- no wu as usual(no wd either heh)- ran w stas,greg lang,charles powell at moderate pace for 1.5ish miles. I knew i could climb better then greg and didnt even really pick it up he just slowed down on one of the climbs by the houses. so stas took the lead and pulled away- ran to first stream crossing in second. i climbed the long climb after the stream like crap i was going at the pace of a dying turtle- so charles was slowly reeling me in all the way to the second stream. after that he was right behind me and i told to go ahead if he wanted cuz i was climbing like shit(which i was). But he said hed stay behind and apparantly was tired or i managed to pick it up because i pulled back away from him over the last two miles. time was 45:52 which is not bad. 30 sec slower than last year(if last years time was accurate) and a minute slower than 3 years ago- not bad considering 3 years ago i was coming off of a good spring. fun and difficult heh- also i think i was tired from the days before.

Mon- Ran at mcd with Michael and Anna- .5 wu then a short 4 tempo 800 on track short 3 for course and 700 on track. It was super hot for this run and we ran at 4:00 lol. They both did well and i did the whole thing i felt ok legs just tired breathing obv fine it was like 630 pace.

Tue- AM Ran at franklin w viki and sierra and dan. 3 miles total at various times with various people. viki did about 2.5 sierra did 2 and dan and ash did 3x4x100 on the turf in 16-17ish. Sierra did her second mile in ? under 8 i was timing something else but we did a lap in the middle in 2:00 and then a 200 in 47 as she sped up. I wish we could get her allergies fixed!

PM- Ran w anna at LRes trails. Hopefully this was the worst ill feel w the cat scratch thing. It wasnt horrible - the first 35 minutes were fine the last 5+ not so good. Really i just felt bad after we stopped after the climb back to the car she did 3-4 more minutes and i was like nope thats enough for me. My arm was burning as i said but not bad.

Wed- Ran at ORidge. Moderate run pob in low 7s for pace maybe faster sometimes on flat parts. Luckily it rained a little in midday and was cloudy or i would have had more of a hard time. did a loop on top plus some extra and then the first half of the course(more or less heh). 60:44 total- today was much better than yesterday i felt the same at the end(not great) but it was 15min father and significantly faster. Hopefully easy tom and friday!

Oh ash and dan did 6 200s this am and sierra hurdled and did 2 200s. Ash did 38,38,31,41,38,31. sierra did 36,31. she already seems more comfortable with the 8 steps to the first one. ash is ridiculous with her moaning and groaning lol but shes doing a good job and shows up constantly.

The pm prac was fairly good a lot of the good people are away. Dakota looked good too bad hes graduated also. Matt had a good run 8 wood chip loops in 30:15 dakota was 28:45. oscar was a new freshman who looked pretty good. we'll see.

oh i might have drank the most water ever post run today- almost 2 liters(prob1.5) in like 2 min heh :/

Saturday, July 9, 2011

6x800 T - shockingly i ran it too fast lol

Hopefully i can remember the last 3 days.

thurs- ran w merritt(mainly) and anna ,cmac,zach,michael at cokeysmill rd trails. raspberries are sour this year which is highly disappointing. i should try the ones in the back yard that just reminded me. 4.5ish miles easy today- good easy day. also the paces were quite good yesterday i forgot to mention that the tempo for the franklin people was quite sensible i like it.

fri- am- ran 3 miles easy plus 3x100 in like 19-20 while esanye ran his 150s.

pm- an actual workout! been a couple/several months heh. 2 wu with patty then 6x800 start ev 4:00. Stunningly i ran too fast. will miracles never cease lol when do i not run a tempo too fast. but really ist all in the first 200. I think the first 400 was 85 every single time. The times were more or less 253,252,254,253,254,247(the watch as always is in the car but those are close). Felt ok it was a little too hard since it was a little too fast- no worries. Changed to the red light shoes for the last one. My foot was functionally fine and sore after- im still learning about this soreness/injury and how to manage it properly. .5 wd

Then last night i went to bed at about 1050 and got up at 1230 after dozing for about 30 min and worrying about team for 70 min. so not ideal haha. But at least i was less allergic to the cats and hopefully lessened the effects of what i think is residual cat scratch fever(cue music). So watched some good late night tv(troy and a dallas/san fran nfc championship from 1992- whoa TMI) and then did papers and then went to ORidge for a tired 7 with anna. 58 min- it actually could have been a lot worse. Then slept from approx 11-4 which is good. Hopefully go to bed early tonight. The lymph node swelling is down a bit hopefully soon it will be gone again.

So this week was good 48 miles as far as i can calculate(not that far haha). 9 runs i think i cant remember. intensity increase for sure so ok. health is tolerable. i should take a cold bath today- i might not sure.

Sweet air trail run/race tomorrow. Need to go to bed early def. maybe a couple hours. that is all for now

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week- im tired and cant think of a title

This week has been moving along. Today was good. Before that the rest of the week. Im actually getting a little more organized and less stream of conciousness on these posts. except for this paragraph heh.

sunday- I actually made it to the pancake run which was good. 4 miles and then feast. Was going to run in the afternoon but started reading unbroken and then didnt make it(i think im not sure if im getting the day when i read it mixed up but who cares)

monday- AM- ran with anna at mcd. 1 mile WU then 3 mile tempo on course more or less 19:30 1 mile WD. felt ok
PM- ran at river rd trail 16 min o+back. felt good on this run

tuesday- ran at mcd with anna patrick merritt matt. everyone was pretty tired today which made me tired by osmosis and then i didnt feel like doing extra so decided to run tomorrow am which i did. 5 miles fairly slow.

Wed- AM- Ran 2 3/4 wu( 2 1/4 by myself and then 2 laps with Ash/Dan) then 4x200 with Ashley - for me they were basically all 36. My foot didnt explode and actually felt ok even on the rock hard franklin track. Interesting. Ash did 34,34,35,36,40 lol and then "strided" two 100s. The main thing is that they were out there. Sierra did some light hurdles but at the end was angry about mcneil possibly coming next year which is worrying. Btw if ur reading this 1. You are awesome 2. It will make you better 3. This kind of thing does happen sometimes with good freshmen or transfers coming in. Hopefully she will be positive.
PM- Ran with anna at longnecker rd. Ran easy for the first mile which was nice as my legs were fairly bricklike which was to be expected. Then the middle 5 miles felt good nice and hilly. The last mile after the long down hill i kind of ran out of gas a bit but no worries. Total run was 49:30ish i left the watch in the car. I think almost as fast as that one fast run i did by myself a few months ago- it was cooler then though.

So 28 miles in 4 days not bad with a 4 and a 5. Need to get back in a few longer runs although today was good. Also my foot felt pretty ok on the evening run i forgot to say that. Easy tom then probable wo on friday. Also now i can do the sweet air run again rose is taking mom to airport.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

fast run/hashawha

Well yesterday was quite good. Ran a relaxed 50 minutes for 5 miles with sb and tt in the morning at belmont. Then ran at anna's house in the pm- did the 5 mile gore's mill road loop in 34:20 which is much much faster than we have done it before and it was easy- like surprisingly fast. Second time in two days for that kind of thing which is good obv.

Then today went up to camp hashawha and felt like crap lol. Not a big deal ran with Matt in the back and got through a slow and nice hilly 6 in 47 min. He did well. Patty zach and anna ran ahead anna did 10 and patty got lost briefly heh.

Next week i think i will do a light tempo workout prob the standard 6x800 in 3:00. Need to figure out when maybe friday?