Friday, January 1, 2010

He must have a watch hidden somewhere/But I didnt have to go to the bathroom!

Well congrats are in clearly in order to Sir James aka someone named Kaiser? who incredibly ran within 1 sec of his time for the third time in a prediction race. At breakfast later we guessed that he had a finger watch secreted somewhere on his person. For his ridiculous skill and luck he won a 70 dollar watch while the rest of us had to be content with having a sweaty penis(luckily there was no exposing in this case). Ran with Tristram for pretty much the whole thing before doing the standard silliness of stopping before the line etc etc. This buffoonery only made my prediction less accurate- however the course was certainly too far which wrecked any hope for a normal mortal to accurately predict their time. Anyway a good fun run followed by a lengthy nap now im off to run in the valley from the church. PS hopefully we will get in the paper again for this race which would be highly amusing haha.

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