well havent posted in a bit i have been tired and busy. so running has been fair this week- i ran all 7 days so thats good. not a lot of high profile workouts haha. weather has been outstanding. today ran 25 min slow with brandon s and then 30 more min very slow with a group of girls- foot felt ok i mean still sore but not horrible. keep icing- actually i need another cooler i might keep one of mine in the house which is a good idea.
stayed up to watch the maryland game which was a good win but meant i was super tired all day.
franklin distance group esp the girls are doing very very well. Sierra and sarah and viki making good progress esp sierra. keep viki healthy. jeff doing a good job as well hopefully everyone can either run and/or show up over spring break.
hopefully next week another good 7 days with a few ams and hopefully a tempo wo if my foot is ok.
Hey -- was home for a day or two this past week and missed ya for a good distance run. Hope you're doin better. We gotta run when I get back in May!