Sunday, February 28, 2010

60:23/40th/Team 4th men 5th overall

I think I will just put the race times as a title of that day so they are easy to pick out. This went ok it was perfectly fine not good not bad.

The morning was funny in that i was a little but not too late and then Jeff was significantly worried about finishing stinkily before the race.

Anyway first two miles are downhill generally- I caught up to Serge by about 2 we ran together for like 2 miles then I gradually pulled away from him on the uphills. Btw I need to work on downhills because I can always catch people on climbs but the donhills and even flats are not as good. Slowly was moving up passing a couple guys through the neighborhood on the other side of 29. Mostly just holding my own really. Once I got back across 29 there were still 3+ miles to go and I was fairly tired- the last 2 miles were mostly just survival until I got to the last 1/2 mile and was able to rally a bit. SO overall fine a good long tough run. Breathing was fine throughout really legs just got tired. It was a long way for me which I need to work on really obv.

I looked it up it had been 5 years since I ran a race this far which is crazy both in terms of strnegth building and just in terms of versatility. So that will change obv the focus is still 5k/10k but clearly you need to be able to go up in distance at least to half marathon. The trail races could be a good option for that and then over the summer.

I came 40th and we came 4th men/5th overall as i noted. A fairly good showing by BRRC. I want to improve significantly in this race next year- like very significantly.

Btw the aftermath was not too bad- yet at least. I could feel my foot during the race but not really after- legs a bit sore but not terrible. Good.

Oh btw stats for Feb- 35,35,38,42+12 today. Obv not good but it was mostly a matter of surviving the blizzard. Also made some mild progress over that time in wos and the 10 mile today was a little better then the 8 mile from a month ago so good- although im still running 6 min pace lol. That will happen when you try to run a 10 mile race off of 35-40 mpw.

Im keeping tempo pace for March at 552 and workouts at 80 or so which I already noted I think. Two races on the schedule- WRRC 5000 at McDaniel and Goucher 5000 on the 27th.

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