Thursday, June 17, 2010

400s- sort of heh

so ran with em at franklin this am. 1 3/4 mile wu then 6x400 with 200 jog. i did it on the turf which is a 300m loop and a bit slower than running on the track obv- which is fine also obv. so it was consistent 91,90,90,90,89,88 the jogs were generally 1:02 or so. this was not that easy unfortunately but no real worries. i think my pulse was like 16-17 after the last one which is too high ugh. but it will get better. i did a good job of hydrating last night now just have to do that for about 90 more days in a row heh.

Also my PF where i hurt it before is alomst completely better/ it has moved farther back into right below my heel which i think is progress. also i have been running ithout heel inserts in for more or less a week so that may have something to do with it. today was the first faster run with them out though. we shall see.

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