Friday, June 22, 2012

10k trials and workout

SO my knee is now semi sore i bet it will be sore tom hmph. Of course if noone comes to prac it shouldnt be a problem lol. The wo was fairly good it was pretty hot and humid which i wasnt used to for a wo so i only did 5 hmph. After wu my knee hurt a little on the first one and then felt perfectly fine after that. Its not really patella tendinitis its so much lower and on the side. I feel like i have a bone growth in my knee hmph. Anyway it was nice and consistent start ev 4:00 with 256,255,255,255 then i was tired and it was a little hard to breathe so i took an extra minute before the last one of 250. Its the standard thing of thinking to not kill myself on the tempo runs so not finishing the distance which is both smart and dumb. In this case prob more smart though or at least even. One workout isnt that big of a deal obv- in fact i was already thinking on the second one"this wo doesnt end until like sunday" heh which is true for me esp these days. 1/2 mile cooddown barefoot on grass(where i got stung by a bee lol but it didnt really hurt).

10ks were quite good galen r looks very legit he should be top 5 i think def although medal is really tough with farah and it looks like bekele is coming back to full power(uhoh).

women was a good race although techincally when they didnt get the A it was pretty much decided. Natosha rogers is so tough and awesome though even though she didnt make it she still came 2nd and after the fast finish they werent super far off of the A standard- oh well plus Lisa U made it obv so thats good.

Also Darin doesnt have to leave Franklin which is def super good news!! nice to have some good news for once yay.

Prob do the standard 3x1600 next week. i might try to def do it on grass and see if that helps the knee.

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