Monday, August 8, 2016

Taken behind the woodshed aka 9 mile run @ Loch Raven

So yesterday ran with TT at Loch Raven(the standard old starting point at Dulaney Valley and Seminary. Went out and did the 4 miles over to Loch Raven Rd(or whatever its called) then crossed over and did a little 1+ mile loop down by the reservoir and came back. My legs were pretty much shot after about 7 miles or so the last 10-15 minutes were a struggle- a slow trot lol. Ended up at 82 minutes for the run which was probably a little more than 9 miles. Not really moving along heh. The main concern was that my abs were a little bit sore after this- long and significantly hilly run- later after nap and the next day it felt better but still there a little bit. My knee was sore a little during but also felt better today.

Then today ran with Jari at Mcd just the eay run down course to HH then 1 loop and back up Farm Rd plus one lap- a short 5(really I say 4.75) Shewas saying her achilles was sore keep an eye on that def.

Prac starts in 2 days.

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