Tuesday, August 2, 2016

easy 6 at mcd

Ran by myself- some light rain. Also they fixed the bridge at the 1.5 mile mark of the course so it wont flood anymore which is nice. Anyway ran down on course then 2 loops in HH in about 1920 which felt ok. Not as good as yesterday but fine. Then had a nice internal debate whether to go up farm rd or not which obv led to me going up farm rd lol. did a lap on track for 4740 total not bad.

Watched a youtube video(which obv i do incessantly now on various topics) by a cardiologist on the dangers of marathon training leading to hardened heart and a fib etc. The problem is he of course all of the lamest pop culture running points(born to run lol- im surprised dean karnazes wasnt thrown in there too) and also said to swim/crosstrain etc(i suppose in moderation) but advocated high intensity interval training which doesnt make a whole lot of sense or they def need to explore it more. Why would repeatedly spiking your HR to like 180-200 be better than prolonged 140-160. And of course youre going to have more toporin(i forget the spelling its a heart attack by product basically) after running a marathon its a greater than normal stress on the heart. The problem is potentially a lot of people dont train properly and more importantly race properly. Interesting anyway

Anyway I dont do this for my health I know it is def detrimental sometimes lol. If there nor more posts it means I dropped dead lol- although it could also mean training went into the crapper again for a while. Will try to avoid both of those outcomes at least for a while heh.

This day got posted out of order for some reason btw. I think this was last Saturday. That will be quite meaningless when I read this again 2 years from now(or never) but whatever.

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