Yesterday did a nice recovery run at soldiers delight- the standard out and back 5 mile on the grassland side we can call it. 38 min basically.
Then today ran with franklin at 11. We did 28 min out and back because i had to run and get oscar cuz he was looking where his date for homecoming lived to pick her up. lol. its not that hard to find an address but whatever its cool to be prepared. So poor mohammed ran extra too trying to keep up now hell prob be dead tom(obv he wont be i dont think 8 extra minutes will do him in) So nice 3.5 it was out to the corner of Nicodemus and Berrymans and back plus a little on campus beforehand.
Then went down to mcd at 330 for wo. I was quite tired beforehand still getting adjusted. On warmup(15 min) i was amusingly going thru various scenarios to write in the glob which happens from time to time esp when im tired i guess. Of course i forget all of them now obv.
Anyway The wo was written as 10x1:00/2:00 jog(i did 12 before I believe with Anna this summer which went quite well) but i had already figured I would do 6-8 which turned into 6 or maybe 8 if i felt good. I was going to do the course and then see. Started out with the jog the first 400 was right about 1:40 so 6:40 pace for the jog which was fine. The first 800 was approx 3:05? and the mile was 6:16 so good, then 12:40 at 2 mile which was still fine I obv got a bit tired going up the last mile but the whole course was 20:18. So 1:13 slower than I ran the race here 8 weeks ago while only running 6:18 fast out of the whole thing- good.
In fact it was only 30 seconds slower over the last 2.1 miles lol which obv shows how well i ran the last 2 miles in the race haha. But still hopefully progress. It was prob approx 5:20-5:25 pace on the fast and as i said 640 pce on the jog.
I was pretty tired and drained walked back tio track and then did 3 super slow laps barefoot around the football field. Iced knee and foot at home. This week has been ok- now easy tom(altho obv ill charge around at dulaney-def take nap after football game thenrun at like 6 tom night)
County predictions hm lets have some fun
Oscar- 3rd JV(total educated guess- going for win obv)- sub 18... yes
Jeff- sub 18... not quite ill say 18:0x
Darin-sub 19...yes
Nandu-hard to say it depends on his leg- no prediction
Keenan-sub 19-yes
Ethan-very low 20s possibly under- scratch that def under 20
JV pack- hopefully some more in the 20s
Amanda and Merritt- sub 2130... yes
Amie-hard to say- just under 23
Girls Pack- ? possibly in sight of amie? ashley and rachel will prob run together also Morgan hopefully sub 24
For ethan and merritt they both ran awesome on monday it depends if that translates to the 5k yet. Ethans wo would indicate 1850 or so but i dont think hes that strong yet... but you never know.
Actually Jeff is in the same boat with Ethan and Merritt- his wo on tuesday was quite good- can he do it for the 5k? Thats what we are running the race to find out lol.