Thursday, July 28, 2011

BRRC 2 mile

So the second race of the summer went according to plan(which is pretty much standard now- oh im so smart- lol it only took 25 years :/). Warmed up a bit shorter than normal due to watching some of the other races that we had people in. In order as i rememer were Brandon and Ethan- fair in 252 and 317. Sierra had a solid 253 she almost beat denise haha. not bad for 3 days a week more or lesswith usually 1-2 days of hurdles. On the video she looks smooth for the first 300 and then got tired unsurprisingly. Dakota had a very good race 213 which is good as hes been showing up a lot and working hard. Ashley had a funny race in that some college girl took it out in the first 200 so she actually had to run moderately hard. Watching the video of her run is just awesome really esp after watching myself and lots of the other old(and young) people in the meet. So she won obv and ran 60.99 on my watch. Also i can pester her because she doesnt even look that tired when she finished. Keep in mind this would have practically tied her PR 4 months ago and now she strode it in a low key brrc meet with no training. She can be soooo good- we shall see calm down lol.

In order to stop blabbering about the 400 i will talk about the 2 mile. The plan was 528 and then anything at or under 528 for the second mile and as i said i did a pretty good job of doing it. 82 for first lap(just 440 splits for this obv) then moved in front of a big pack into second way behind ed. 80 then 82 then 80? again anyway it was 242 and 524 which is obv good. I was tired but not bad at this point(and really the whole way). SLowed a bit i cant remember the 5th lap of course at 1 1/2 i was 810 so that was a 246. Could have pushed harder competitively in the 7th lap which was a stinky 85 thats where this kid from north harford caught me so 935 with one to go. I sped up somewhat in the last lap im pretty sure it was 1056 or maybe 1057.

So pretty much as expected- this is just like early March. Ill prob run significantly faster in the next race im thinking itll be that 5k in Hanover in 4 weeks. Some more good training time. Then hopefully i will keep running after that heh. Also my foot really didnt hurt at all and i wore the flats. That hasnt happened in quite a while which is exciting.

Then we ran the 4x1(also a good sign that i even ran it ha) ashley led off and caught up to ed haha ill tease him about that if/when i see him. Then sierra handed off to me in 2nd ugh as she ran a good backstretch. Luckily only one person passed me(also being in lane 1 was a lucky move) Of course she was a high school girl lol but no worries. My foot was in fact a littel sore after that hmph. And mildly/moderately sore this am but not bad. After nap it should be ok.

Only 4 miles for the day. Also earlier in the week did 7 mile run at mcd on monday including 16x1:00 pickups. Felt solid for a while then tired on last 3-4. Tuesday ran with merritt and sierra and ash and allison at franklin easy 3 miles in the am. Then ran w anna at her house a short 6 in the pm. So 7+7+3+6+4 27 for the week so far in 4 days standard- i cant quite get above the 50 mile range but i will. Also each week hasnt slowly gotten a little more intense over the last 3 weeks or so so its ok if im not running more mileage.

Ok enough this was a long post heh.

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