Friday, July 2, 2010

5x800 avg 2:56 200 jog/sore/not sore

So i think im going to start putting the wos in the title so that its easier to see when they are when i go back to look on the monthly sidebar. So this was a good wo felt pretty relaxed def which is good. 2:58,2:58,2:58,2:58,2:50 the jogs were 1:10,1:07,1:04,1:10 19:18 for the 4800 total. foot was there but certainly not painful- more on that later. jamie ran the whole thing which was good- it was even running pace for the most part within a second of 89 either way on both laps of each one. I was slowing it down on purpose to hit 2:58 in the last 200. last one tried to run 2:52-2:54 and it was a little quicker. the effort was almost the same for 258 as 250 so thats good. Just neeed it to be that for 240 heh. maybe soon- i mean if i can get my foot right then defintely.

So this morning my foot was a bit sore. after the midday sleep it was much better which is normal. Had a very nice short run with anna. 36 min for an easy 4.5. Had some scrumptious raspberries(since we are in that month now). They were really dark and sweet- yum.

tomorrow long run at the trail hopefully 10 or 10.5 or so. then moderate easy runs- id like to do another 640 pace wo with emily and then 3x1600 next week again with the 200 jog.

Need to: do more barefoot walking.
Not be dumb and do some fast workout yet.(see oops in March heh)
possibly get some in between light trainers for racing? not sure. perhaps at some point I should try some more than jogging running with some type of flats. I think i actually have a semi old pair of more substantial flat type shoes. might have to dig them out.

Anna was talking about water for elephants btw i have to read that.

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