Wednesday, August 15, 2012

12x1:00/2:00 jog

Yesterday ran w team in am 3 miles easy. Then ran w Ash in pm we did a very light wo like a tempo for her- 8-6-4-4-2-2 all around 8 min pace or a littel under. It was stormy but we were fairly careful heh.

Today i was getting alittle tired but not too bad im just tired when i wake up from nap esp today cuz we had to go earlier cuz of the xc meeting. So ran at mcd w anna- did 12 min wu then 12x1:00/2:00 jog on the 2 1/4 mile xc loop of the course. So started at the 2 mile mark after wu. I felt solid it was pretty easy and smooth for the first 6-7 then i got a little tired- really we werent going too slow on the jog which was good. Anna did 8 because she has run a lot the last day and a half im a tiny bit worried but she should be ok if she takes it easy friday(she did 8 this am w bridget). Once she stopped i picked up the runs a little faster but the jogs were a bit slower. Still the mile from 1 to 2 the last time was 6:32 with only a little under 2 minutes of fast running- so not bad.

Also for future reference(hopefully ill do this again at some point) the two loops starting at the 2 mile were 30:54. I ended up stopping at the gravel road halfway up the hill on the long hill to boxtree(without the last jog lol). 5 min slooow warmdown.

Ash did 4 sets of 4 100s starting every minute. 17-18 for most then a couple of 15s at the end. Good.

Also we did the first real interval wo today it went fine. Varsity level boys looked solid working together- obv we have to get faster Keenan hit 253 etc a couple times(the wo was 2,2,4x800,2,2 although people got mixed up etc and messed it up a little). Merritt was fine 317-330 she and Ethan did 2 400s. Only hm 6? people did the longest distance hmph well get better though no worries. Ethan looked good btw. Morgan looked better than yesterday luckily. JV girls did fine- now im expecting the jv boys to be awesome immediately lol we can be patient. Justin was a little sore in hip flexor so watch that. Try to bring the bike tom.

For me I think i should do the tempo on the grass friday but well seee how it goes. Hm btw i assume i ran 7 today i dont even know lol. Yeah call it 7. Week so far hmm 8,6,6,7 tom a double and then wo friday and one run sat. Could be close to 50?!?! this week lol. Be careful.

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