Monday, July 23, 2012

web,web and snake

So yesterday ran at the river rd trail and it was a flaashback to old school horsehead- even more so as i was covered in spiderwebs after about a mile. Went out 17 min and then came up on two horses so just turned around rather than forging by etc and scaring the horses. Added 6 min on at the end for a 5+ total. Then today did a light wo with the team(10x1 min/2min jog- which im going to do tomorrow also heh) and then did a mile at the end with some extra running. So total of hm 38 min plus a short mile so... say 5.5. I really need to run more which im def going to do tom.

Wo then run w got a little confusing trying to get everyone there at the right time but everyone will be there obv.

Wo was good today merritt and jeff did 10 and everyone else did 6(sierra did 7) Sierra is doing quite well i wish i could get her to run in college. Merritt was nice and speedy on the 100s def. Ash did good and survived 18 min run and then did the 100s fine. darin looked tired until the last 100 lol. A lot of people didnt run very much last week.

Oh the second web means the shed is like something out of indiana jones there were two enormus spiders in there- both dead and about 50 other spiders- and about 1000000 ants. Then there was a snake in allisons garage but i didnt have to go get it out lol apparently it left on its own. It reminded me of when the snake crawled down into the washing machine and i had to get it out. heh it was cute.

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