took sunday off. Then ran 6 miles on monday i cant quite remember what it was. it was at mcd w the group- 4 miles then 1.5 miles in just over 10 min then 4x200. 38,38,39,37. The 37 was hard which is annoying hmph. My knee was a bit sore after this which is also aggravating since its not even really a wo. it seems to be very slowly getting better.
tuesday am i ran with tt last run with him for quite a while hes going to italy for a year. 3 miles barefoot haha i wasnt sure if i put my shoes in the car and didnt check and obv i hadnt. no biggie we ran on the grass and its nice to actually be able to do that- amazing really. Tues pm was run at h more at least i got there a little early and ran 6 min extra- need to get that up to 10-20 min soon. Anna was there but she ran on her own- her foot is bothering her also not the plantar but her seismoid only for like 2 weeks though but hopefully get rid of that. Need to make ssure she is eating well.
today was nice run at trail w merritt. out to monkton and back it was semi hot but not terrible when we finished. Also very annoyingly something happened to the river bank so you cant easily get into the water its like a cliff now. Ughhhh theres a little trail that goes down to the left that offers some access which will do in the future. i didnt get in today cuz it took a little while to find and by then i didnt feel like it. We have to make sure she is not dehydrated! My knee was prety much fine today. Some kind of wo tomorrow i think we will do continuous 300s(and by we i mean franklin) i will prob do that obv but go before and do something else. 1.5 wu, if they do 12 300s w 100 jog thats 3 then before that i could do hm 16-12-8-4 at like 6 min pace. that is a fair amount obv but that is pretty good i think. try to get the timing right obv if theres too much stnading around in between its not ideal obv.
So 20 miles in 4 days with 4 runs and one day off. Fair- i want 44 mpw for july. Im also keeping it on the written day calendar cuz its easier to see all in one place there.
Ugh i need to come up with some more creative post titles lol. Ok week so far,ok week so far etc etc