Thursday, March 17, 2011

we have compatible genitalia!/2x3200 avg 11:43

Haha the title is an amusing quote from TT discussing comforting 4-5 various women about their boyfriend problems but not getting any action from any of them himself. He was grumbling about it a little bit heh.

The workout today went well my quad got some work in im afraid it was too hard? It didnt feel too hard but it was faster than the last 3200 of the 5000 from Saturday heh. Rachel P and Daniel from mcd were alternating every other 400 which was helpful. First one was 1146 with 551 and 555 splits. Then 2:00 rest(or start at 14:00 really so 2:15 to be anal) and it was 5:50/5:49 for 11:39. As I said the last 3200 of the race Saturday was 11:44.

So either 1. Today was too hard 2. Saturday was stinky 3. I am not used to 5k pace(approx 5:30-5:35) and got tired after the first mile- this is somewhat likely 4. The moon was not in the right quarter it was waning rather than waxing.

I actually iced my sore heel and it felt good after that. Easy 3-4 miles this afternoon. Oh I was a standard big wimp and did no WD at all blech.

Also I picked UNC Ashville over Pitt by accident but Im going to stick with it! Ashevilles(insert mascot) all the way! I picked WV over Clemson which im watching right now but I want Clemson to win haha.

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