Well this workout was almost 100%. I went to mcd and they were starting soon so i sort of rushed WU and only did a little more than a mile. Then 1600-256/258= 554. start at 7:00 and did 550/258 and stop cuz my leg was fairly sore(quad obv) prob should have taken my medicine and kept going. it was 848 for mile and a half prob would have been 1148 for 3200 which would have obv been fine. hmph. The standard if im not 2 sec under pace im doing bad haha. But it was pretty tight so whatever. Then after only 1:13 rest(start at the next even minute) it felt pretty much fine and I did another 549. Then took 2 minutes to switch shoes to test out the lighter shoes on an 800 to finish up the 4 mile total. The first 100 was fairly painful on my left heel and i thought i might stop but then it soon felt fine. 83/77 for that so 2:40 good. Not super hard.
1 mile wd with patrick and dave and tt. So prob run twice tomorrow and then once on Friday and then run the race on Saturday. Still aiming for 1730 I think as the conditions look to be fairly stinky haha. TT and the falls road boys are apparently annoyed that they didnt get in to either goucher or towson meets. goucher rarely lets anyone in john is a little wierd about that he denied me before i was coaching there. surprising that towson didnt let them in he is variable. The falls road people are nice generally(at least the two i know)but seem to be getting too cocky and talking down to everyone who isnt falls road on the blog. Good motivation. I guess the rest of us arent good enough to run their precious Gilman workouts lol.
In terms of scheduling Ill prob decide after this meet and the next one whether or not to go to McDaniel or Widener. TT said hes going to Princeton on April 9th which hopefully is a good idea. Maybe for him maybe not for Ed.
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