Friday, July 4, 2014

5x1000/200 jog/float

Ran at Catonsville HS with TT. I got crap sleep the night before which is stupid but unfortunately doesnt seem to affect me that much so if it is not penal(ha) I will continue doing it- but hopefully not. Anyway yeah I was surprisingly not dead- we tried to go to UMBC but locked so on to catonsville.

So really it was 1 3/4 wu which is obv fine(14 min) then started the wo we switched off leading which was nice. 3:49/1:03/3:46/59/3:48/60/3:48/57/3:46/63/81- 25:22 for the 6400. Felt pretty good only really tired on last one that was mostly just the legs breathing was pretty good. My feet felt basically 100% after a little soreness on the first 2 which is impressive and unusual because the track is pretty hard so hopefully a good sign. Then wimped out on coolddown and only did 2 laps barefoot cuz TT had to leave. Hmph. But good wo nonetheless- again just stick to procedure and try to slowly bring it down. Ive lost approx 7-10 lbs btw which is good. Im around 155-157 right now. Try to get to 150-152ish by end of summer. Keep being disciplined on soda etc.

Possible double tom then 10 sunday.

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