Monday, June 23, 2014

Long run aka Hannsen is in desperate trouble again on the vicious climb up the Cote de Blubberhouses

So did a nice long run on the river rd trail yesterday. I had a flat tire so had to drop the car off at sykesville auto and then ran out river rd to trail- out to 31 min and back and then up forsythe to house. I had a grand time through the last 40 min of the run imagining some good tour scenarios as there are some massive climbs(sorry some good hills) at the end of the run so i was pretending to be(after several alternatives) a young Euskatel rider-due to orange shirt- trying to hang on in front of a charging group of big heads of state. Too bad Phil wasnt out there to cheer me on. Then amusingly my brother was going to get pizza and yelled out the truck"Come on Hannsen faster" which obv added some good manager/rider interaction possibilities. Lol. Oh btw i did hold on for my first ever stage win. Yay! hahaha

Anyway then 5 min ago I was looking over the route and stage itinerary for the tour and saw that the first 3 stage are in England- and that there are two of the most hilarious hill names ever- the scary Cote de Buttertubs on Day 1 and then the aforementioned Cote de Blubberhouses on Day 2. Awesome stuff obviously. Hopefully I will be able to remember to watch online just to hear about those. Phil and Paul can debate the best tactics to employ to get to the top of Blubberhouses intact. Alas its is only a 4th category climb- although that seems appropriate somehow of course heh.

So anyway the run yesterday was a solid 69 minutes which is 7 more than ive done so far. 70 min next week and then up to 75 for two weeks after that. Follow procedure. Feeling ok btw I had some good 48 hr quad soreness from the 5k on sunday am- mainly the hills i guess but felt better this morning after the long and hilly run. Although my quads are generally a little bit sore which is normal and good.

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