Saturday, June 21, 2014

Centennial 5k- 20:19

So ran at Centennial yesterday- it was predictably fairly ugly but just a step obv. I stayed under control for where I am now through the first mile it was around 545-546 which was fine it didnt feel great. The second mile had a 50m steep hill followed half a mile later by a series of 2+ 50m steep hills(one a repeat). Unfortunately these had a devastating effect on me lol since im quite unprepared for that right now. I can climb fairly well up a long gradual slope but a short steep hill i was basically reduced to a jog- no worries just something to work on. I need to add Chapel Hill repeats every other week- i also need to be careful not to mess up my achilles while doing this.

So the 2 mile was reached in 1240(meaning the second mile was a not so stellar 655 oof) and then I was finishing up trying to gain a little more momentum which i didnt really do. So 20:19 overall- maybe its distressing that Im not disgusted by this heh but its hard to race well if you do one race a year obv heh. Hopefully I will change this in the near future. 37 miles this week at least that a lowish week now.

I was just watching an interesting documentary on steroids on netflix which made me even more determined to try to run well again. I need to get stronger and lighter without using anything like that obv heh. Whats the point then? Idk- although i dont have money really riding on it- but maybe thats why it would be better if sports were amateur again?!?! Wtf am i talking about lol.

Anyway theyre amateur for me at least- this week is around 45 miles to get ready for 50 the next week. Long run at patapsco tom,hills(sanborn not chapel) monday,tempo 800s wed, steady run fri. Try to get good sleep and water.

Oh also Ive banned soda from the house- ill still have it out but not at home- hopefully a good step.

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