Thursday, March 27, 2014

6x400 at rec,low mileage re^(x+1)dux,new goal(2015)----> Section F

So what does all that gobbledygook in the title mean?? I will translate for the less uninformed(haha theres a little double negative for the loyal listeners out there). 6x400 at rec was a workout i did yesterday- i alternated with imani and aliya who did a 250 and 6 150s. I thought i was going to die actually it was fairly hard. depressingly enough the times were 77,75,77,78,78,78 on about a 3:00 rest or so. encouragingly the rec is much slower than running outdoor which i obv already know so its alllllll good. or at least allllll ok. my mileage has stayed solidly and consistently far too low- like getting over 30 mpw is a glass ceiling that even the most intrepid trailblazer in business or social norms would have trouble breaking through. Sorry about that last sentence the "norms" word doesnt really work i was trying to think of something else but then i gave up. Le mot mal as it were. <---- 10000="" 2015.="" 2="" 3="" 5000.="" a="" about="" am="" an="" and="" another="" april="" as="" come="" compete="" continue="" could="" ending="" entries="" even="" f="" for="" goal="" gone="" have="" how="" i="" if="" in="" is="" its="" juste="" late="" ll="" mal="" men="" mid="" more="" my="" next="" not="" now="" obv.="" of="" opposite="" p="" pedantic="" perusing="" piffle="" posthaste.="" prob="" problem="" ps.="" raleigh="" really="" relays="" running-="" section="" sections="" see="" smorgasbord.="" smorgasbord="" so="" some="" that="" the="" this="" to="" tried="" um="" up="" veritable="" was="" we="" what="" will="" with="" women.="" year="">
Anyway also we had a dual meet today vs hereford and Parkville(i knew i could get another). Some highlights were Darin winning the mile in 455,Nandu falling at the end of the 200, Merritt ran an acceptable 1301,Ricky hit some big jumps for a newbie(or noob as some would say- not me though) with 18'8 and 38'x and overall we did an acceptable job at a chilly meet. Im off to UMD this saturday and then meets tuesday and saturday next week.

1 comment:

  1. What the hell is all that crap? I didnt write any of it(the quotations etc) However as it is in keeping with the general weird tenor of the post I will leave it
