Monday, March 17, 2014

2x2400 3:00 rest or I'm just carrying my weight vest under my skin! Also hand swollen

Did wo yesterday(Sunday). Obv then it snowed today- standard pattern. My hand and wrist are swollen and semi- painful but def getting better- that obv happened once before and then my shoulder before. Its not that bad though- maybe a bite? idk. Anyway i was afraid it would be a prob for the wo but it wasnt. 2 mile wu then the wo- Merritt ran alternating 800s and Em ran alternating 400s so that was fun. First one was 3:10/3:04(6:14 obv)/3:06 for 9:20 then 3:10 rest then start at 12:30 with 3:05/3:01(6:06)/3:00 for 9:06. nice math! lol. This was the first one where I actually felt like it was a real tempoish type run so thats good. The hardest part was prob the last 2 laps of the first one. My feet felt ok which is also good. 1 Mile wd. Merritt ran 4 800s all between 306-308 she was working hard but thats fine. Well see. Em was runnin 90-92 generally whatever the group ran. Nyjari was also there for an easy run.

Also weve been semi? comically talking about how now since im a small land whale that is actually a good thing. If i can get some training in at a higher weight and then eventually slowly lose the weight i will be even stronger than ever! Haha maybe it will work! Anything to not stop cramming massive quantities of sweets down my voracious gullet. I think i need a couple more stomachs like a cow. Or maybe a manatee!

Today I will prob continue my snow laziness. Hopefully by the end of the week it will be dry enough to do a wo on the grass.

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