Thursday, June 27, 2013

Felt good at last(for this week),

SO yest did the wo with merritt darin and anna- everyone was a little worn down from the evening before I think- darin just coming back after a week off, merritt dehydrated, me dehydrated and tired, anna was ok. We did 1.5 WU then 8,16,8,8 which was cut down from 8,32,8 it was still tough and we took long rests which was not the idea obv but no worries just get them thru some distance at this point. I lagged behind throughout haha.

This am ran w merrit and anna at L Res stream trail- we went toward the ant island but turned around after 22 min merrit wasnt happy meh in the middle but by the end she felt a little better. Hopefully she can drink enough to make up for being behind in hydration.

Im still a bit behind(sweating right now lol meh) but have been fighting to drink as much as possible. It cooled off nicely this evening and i rolled down to the church to run belmont out and back. Felt pretty good and crushed it a little bit- not super hard but it was def the fastest ive ever done that run and ive done it a fair amount- its usually an easy run obv and theres no wu so you have to feel good right out of the gate if you want to do it at a faster pace. It was 12:10 or so on way out and 23:05 overall so 10:55 on way back i dont think id ever been under 24 before i remember i did it one time pretty fast and felt really good but i think that was like high 24s or something it was in the 12s on the way Back heh. Feels fun and good to run fast sometimes.

 I think ill go for a similar effort tomorrow so hopefully i didnt blow that haha- but the wo is 2.5 loops in the woods but at a slightly slower pace like 820 per loop but go by feel mostly if i feel good then go a little faster if not dont worry about it.

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