Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ow/another good wo with patty

So today went down to mcd i was going to do 4-8-12-12-8-4 originally today but then planned to move it to tomorrow. However they were having prac so i decided to go obv heh. The wo was 6-8x2:00 with a 2:00 jog. There werent that many people there so we decided to do it on the track. so i just timed the 600s as the idea was to run 78-80 pace prob. it went 1:57,1:58,`1:57,1:56,1:52,1:50 with finishing the 2 min each time obv and then jogging more or less a 300. My left heel was mildly sore throughout and now is killing me as im typing cuz i tried to ice it with the cold pack. But the freezer is more efficient now that the house is a bit cooler so it is super super cold. I was trying to keep it on but it freezes my heel so i dont. Have to get the water bucket back out or go with the corn. Itll be sore tomorrow but hopefully not too bad. My knee is at 100% right now anyway so thats good. Im surprised the last two were so fast really the 4th one was the hardest for some reason idk why. Then the last two were a little easier. 6 miles total on the day w 2 wu and 1 wd. as long as im ok 2 runs on mon-tue-thu this week is the plan and a tempo interval wo on wed. 2 workouts on the track to get ready for bull run lol. At least(hopefully) itll be faster than the stinker at mcdaniel. Im just thinking right now dont worry about times and splits too much just run.

Also yesterday went down to navy to watch anna. She did quite awesome 12th place overall and 2nd on team. 22:42 on a significantly hilly course. I think she could be a minute or more faster in 2 weeks at paul short. Ah my heel is feeling a little better. In a few min i might hit it with the corn.

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