Monday, February 24, 2014

Cold again

Well its cold again. Looking at the wildy inaccurate 10 day forecast looks cold for a while. The average will eventually win though its 48 degrees now and will soon be rising rapidly. Thank God. So last week completed the first week goal right on target 6 runs for 24 miles. Hooray for low expectations- im the opposite of dickens haha- a little literary reference there. But no worries.

Saturday did a solid 5.5 with Darin- at Franklin basically through H More and then up SAcred Heart to Butler and turn around and come back. It was like 41:48 total we did an extra little loop in the parking lot to make it 5.5. Friday I did a semi up tempo run at Belmont it was 25:43 for the 3.5(I think 13:08 out and 12:35 back) which is not terrible.

Sunday did the first restart workout which was the same as the one 6-8 weeks ago 10x400 start every 2:30. Im so predictable lol. Darin Nandu and Emily joined in the boys were ahead running like 88s or so. and Em was doing like 96-97. I did 94,91,91,91,90,90,90,90,90,85. Fine wo i felt ok i had done an easy 3.5 morning run with jeff and my foot was a little sore from pavement and more running but I took a nap and iced a couple times and it felt fine during wo- good. My quads are fairly sore standardly from increased running. 1/2 mile wd

Today i ran after franklin prac- it was cold and windy i ended up joggin 26 minutes around football field at mcd. call it 3. Potential am run tom- we'll see. Spring is coming be patient.

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