Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mancave 5k- 19:07!/16:52- oops not quite hmph

Havent posted in a while. Last week was going well until thursday i took two days off mainly as i was tired and busy. Then ran 3 miles pon saturday ugh. So 3 miles in 3 days lol what a pace. I had 32 in the 4 days before that tho so not bad there- that was on 5 runs i think(i have it upstairs obv). The wo of the week was 4x1600 on the franklin 800 loop it was 557,550,550,550 starting ev 7:30. It was good. Then later in the week on wednesday ran the workout with merritt(foreshadowing alert). She tore it up it was her and matt lorber and michael m was there to help pout w pacing. it was 12-12-10-8-4-2. Times were 457,453,400,257,83,37. Wow! Rest was a bit less than equal time trending toward equal as we got into 800/400/200.

So then practiaclly no running until the race on sunday. We did fairly standard wu i added on like .5 mile or so. Started out and my heel hurt like instatnly lol after like 2 steps. So i had to take it semi easy at the beginning which worked out ok really i think. There was a monster downhill for 1/2 mile down to the approx mile mark- which was covered in supposedly 508(more on that later). I did a lot of passing throughout the race esp in the neighborhood 1/2 mile loop i passed a lot. Finally caught the ellie gonzalez group on the last straightaway before the hill. Of course i had to bellow to someone else"To make this race worse were going to lose to a hs girl". Lol. Managed to pull away up the hill from that group though and finished in 1652. The course had to be changed due to the fog so it was like a minute short which is annoying. I feel like im not making progress hmph. But the course was hilly at least it had one big hill which is a fair amount in a 5k so whatever. As long as my feet cooperate ill do the 3200 in 2 weeks(depedning how tired i am) so then i might finally get one accurate judge of how fast i am.

Merritt ran 550 at the mile and then ran a 1907!! which we converted to 2020!! She was excited adn jumping around alittle bit haha good and her mom was really excited too haha. Its so awesome when someone is rewarded for their hard work! Then yesterday and today her foot was a little sore but hopefully doesnt seem too bad. We can be careful.

This week so far has been blah- i actually felt ok yesterday did 45 min at mcd on grass. Today i was tired but actually made it out to Sdelight but i was a little late so i onyl did 3 miles ugh. I was going to run again but its not looking too likely right now. Wo tomorrow at least 6x2 min ill have to do it before prac i was going to do it w them but it wouldnt work.

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