SO no post for a month. My knee took a little while to get better(still sore sometimes not really during running too much). Mileage of in the range of 28,35,cant remember last week i have to finish writing it in.
So what we're all waiting for: goals!! Who cares what has gone before lets think about the future.
1. 200 Miles on 9 runs per week
2. 4 Steady runs(4k,5k,5k,6k)
3. 4 Light minutes workouts in progression style
4. 4 Long runs!?! in the range of 9-11 miles
If I complete these tasks in a healthy fashion I will run the first half of the Bachman Valley Half on the 29th. Kind of lame to not run the whole thing but its best to be careful.
XC training is progressing. Merritt hit 50 miles 2 weeks ago and Darin is gaining a lot of strength. They came 3rd and 3rd in a time trial with mcdonogh(2 miles)- also OScar was 4th. I wish we had a few more good people- we need 2 boys and 2 girls. Also the JV boys have a possibility of being good. We shall see.
I will now(well in a week i guess) begin monitoring my goals.